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Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 6, 2011

Lời kêu cứu khẩn cấp của sinh viên bị đuổi học vì yêu nước

Đọc lá thư sau mà ngậm ngủi cho học trò VN ngày nay, chỉ vì tỏ lòng yêu nước, có những suy tư về đất nước thì gặp tình huống như thế này đây? Thầy cô VN ơi, thầy cô ở đâu sao có thể nỡ đuổi một người học trò như thế này. Lá thư này cần được đọc bởi những du học sinh, hãy làm gì để cứu một người bạn học trẻ đang gặp nguy, trong khi các bạn được học ở các xứ dân chủ tự do, các bạn có thể bảo vệ được chính kiến của mình, còn người bạn này đang mất cả một tương lai, vì đâu, vì ai???
Nghe Từ Tú Anh nói ở cuối cuộc phỏng vấn, người nghe như tôi không khỏi không xúc động, một thế hệ đang lớn lên và bắt đầu những tư duy vững chắc để làm nền móng gìn giữ Tổ Quốc Việt Nam, phải chăng?

Bản Tiếng Anh
BKL (11/06/2011) - Như Báo Không Lề đã đưa tin vào sáng nay về trường hợp sinh viên Từ Anh Tú bị đuổi học do đọc thông tin trên mạng và thể hiện lòng yêu nước. Ngay sau đó, BKL nhận được một lá thơ của một nhóm bạn đề nghị như sau.
“Sau khi nhận được thông tin sinh viên Từ Anh Tú bị đuổi học do một số lý do vớ vấn. Chúng mình rất bức xúc và buồn cho cái não trạng lão sản già gần chết này.
Xét thấy trách nhiệm cần hỗ trợ, chúng mình đã lên tiếng, phối hợp với mấy bạn khác nữa, dịch nội dung lá thư ra tiếng anh và gửi đi khắc nơi.
Trong thâm tâm muốn gửi thông tin này cho sinh viên Từ Anh Tú để xoa dịu chút nhỏ nỗi đau và quyết tâm giữ ngọn nến hy vọng đang chảy râm rỉ trong lòng bạn ấy.”

Sau đây là bản dich tiếng Anh

To Whom It May Concern,
My real name is Tu Anh Tu. I was born on 06 / 07/1986
Only a few days ago, I was a student at Thai Nguyen College of Medicine (CDYT), but now I have been unreasonably expelled out of the school because of my spiritual support of the struggle for democracy for Vietnam and also because I am against Chinese expansionism and invasion of the Vietnam sea and islands. Vietnam national security agencies forced me to return to my hometown in Dai Phu, Phi Mo town, Lang Giang district, Bac Giang province. They placed me under surveillance of local town police for further “manage, monitor, education”.
Today, June 3rd, 2011, I want to write this letter to all the international media and human rights organizations to speak out about the oppression (of the government of Vietnam) and the abuses of my rights recently just because I regularly watched foreign news broadcasting services, read online newspapers and articles. A series of my human rights violations can be summarized as follow:
About 10AM on May 13th, 2011, I was watching online news at an internet shop located in front of my school, a group of about 20 people including police, secret service agents and security guards suddenly appeared and arrested me with excessive force. They claimed that reading the online foreign news websites would be a violation of the law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. They also claimed that I was storing the documents against Vietnam government in my personal email Inbox, that I have seriously violated Article 88 of criminal law and against the Communist Party.” When conducting a computer search at the internet shop where the police arrested me, they recouped four articles, which had tittles and contents as follows:
1. Writing about petitioners’ claims in Vinh City
2. Writing about the worker strike at a factory in Hanoi.
3. Writing about the student Nguyen Anh Tuan publicly stood up for Dr. Cu Huy Ha Vu.
4. Writing on the case of Dr. Cu Huy Ha Vu and “the hand-dipped indigo” situation.
Those were all the “illegal documents”. Then they seized my mobile phone and took me to police headquarters in Thai Nguyen city immediately for interrogation. Mr. Duong Van Tuan and Mr. Bui Van Chinh directly interrogated me. That night they temporarily let me go home but the next morning they continued the interrogation at the police headquarters again, a very stressful day. Simultaneously on May 20th, 2011, without informing me, they asked my family to write promise note on my behalf to stop all the (democracy support) activities. This created a lot of pressure for me because my mother was often ill and she had to travel for more than 80 km from her home to the police headquarters in Thai Nguyen during rainstorm.
On May 30th, 2011, the police and security services reported to my school and forced me to plead guilty to these charges. On June 2nd, 2011, I was brought before the Thai Nguyen College of Medicine school disciplinary board in which the school board expelled me out of the school permanently. Immediately I was forced to gather personal belongings and leave the dormitory of the medical college where I have attended for more than two years.
I declare that all the charges that Thai Nguyen Police Department and the Government of Vietnam have accused me had no valid foundation in the laws. On contrary, these tactics of the police were forms of name slandering, manipulating and suppression of freedom of expressions, a series of definite violations of human rights of Vietnamese citizens.
The allegations of the local police was extremely illogical. I urge the international community and media to help me speak up about this abusive situation and to help me find justice on the following basis:
1. My first duty as a citizen is to be loyal to Vietnam as a country and to the people of Vietnam, not loyalty to socialism.
2. I did not violate Article 88 because:
- I did not propagate or distort, defame “people’s government” as I just sat there reading the online articles only.
- I did not use the psychological warfare rhetoric or fabricate news creating confusion among the Vietnamese people as I was simply reading those news articles.
- I did not produce, store and circulate documents with contents against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam because I was received articles (about democracy) from emails and I did not know the contents of these articles prior to reading them.
I urge all human rights organizations and mass media help defending me and my family from these stressful threats. Mr. Duong Van Tuan must publicly apologize to my family for the harassment and the wrong accusations. My mother’s health is worsen due to recent worries and being frightened for the safety of our familỵ.
I sincerely would like to thank you, all the human rights organizations and international media for helping me, and special thanks to the free lance Journalist Nguyen Khac Toan who has given me tremendous help and guidance. In this letter, I attach a photo of myself sitting inside the office of the journalist at the address of 11 Ngo Trang Tien, Hanoi, and a photo of the expel decision notification from Thai Nguyen College of Medicine signed on June 2nd, 2011.
Tu Anh Tu, former student of Thai Nguyen College of Medicine
Dai Phu Village, Phi Mo town, Lang Giang District, Bac Giang Province

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